3 months of quarantine gave me ample opportunity to work on projects and play around with my hobbies. Including taking up new ones. Like Crocheting.
When it was too wet or cold to safely work on outdoor cabin projects I thought it would be nice to sit inside by the fire and spin some yarn. Given the pandemic supplies were limited so I ended up with a variety pack of brightly colored yarn. A few YouTube tutorials later and I was off.
The culmination of my efforts yielded a Granny Square Blanket for my niece Parker. 120 individual squares. It is refreshing to be reminded the value of practice and repetition. The first 8-10 squares took me about 30 minutes each to complete. When I got into the 100s I was knocking them out in under ten - while sipping on a glass of wine.
It was a fun project. I am proud of the result and, most importantly, I think Parker likes it.