Today I took a Tea 101 class where I learned about, and sampled, different variants of teas. All were unique and superb. Each well representing their style: white, green, oolong, black, pu erh, herbal. Very fun experience; not unlike wine tasting. The same grape from the same vintage by the same winemaker from the same vineyard, but different blocks, will taste different.
All tea comes from the same plant! But different regions, and harvesting and rolling techniques, and amount of oxidation and fermentation, and brewing temperature and time, will vastly alter the beverage.
With that said, my Mt. Rushmore of types of teas are as follow: white, oolong, black, pu erh. I will drink and enjoy any good tea - I am a tea drinker; I drink tea. But these are my top 4 in no particular order.